Monday, March 19, 2018

Using RainRatBot in a Telegram Group

RainRatBot can also identify fursuits in photos posted to a Telegram Group.

From a group's description page, a user can choose "Add Member" (the exact location might vary from client to client), then click the "search" icon (the magnifying glass), then type "RainRatBot".

Choose it, and that's all. You do not have to give it moderator privileges. It is checking each photo posted to the group against its model of the different fursuits. There is one big difference between groups and privately messaging the bot. In a group, it will only reply if its confidence is above 90%. It keeps the bot from getting too chatty. I've seen active groups go for days or weeks without the bot saying anything, then when a user posts a fursuit photo they wished to know the name of when they weren't even thinking about the bot, they get a reply.

Make sure you have permission of the group owner before adding it. Since it downloads photos posted to the group, don't add it to a group where just downloading the photos would breach secrecy.

  • Photos are downloaded and saved.
  • The group name, and user name are not logged. I do not know which photo comes from which group. This may change if I need to track abuse.
  • It does not download any other content besides the photos. It currently does not have that functionality. This will not change. The only way I see that happening is if a group owner requests to have some custom functionality written for their specific group, and it would hardcode it to that specific group.

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