Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Using RainRatBot for Moderation - Global Ban List

This is obsolete; the Global Ban List is now called the Community Ban List.

If you've been using RainRatBot for defense against rogue bots, as described in you've seen it remove the rogue bot from your group after a short time. Up until now, even if it already removed the rogue bot from another group, it's treated it as a completely new user when it joins your group; there hasn't been a Global list of rogue users, until now.

Any user on this list will immediately be banned as soon as they enter any participating group. This is the list for rogue bots, and the worst of the worst(real users who are a hazard to any group they join).

Users will be checked against Global Ban List as they join. Existing users will not be affected.

Anyone can request a global ban, however, only authorized users can approve additions.

/rrbglobalban [user id] [reason]
Adds user id to list but does not activate the ban. (ie. /rrbglobalban 123456789 spambot)
You must fill out the reason. Any user in any group may use this. The requester's user id is logged.

/rrbglobalunban [user id]
Authorized users only. Removes user id from global ban list.

Authorized users only. Reply with the proposed global ban list.

Authorized users only. Until this command is used, changes made with /rrbglobalban, and /rrbglobalunban will not be active.

There is also an Appeals function in case of a mistake.

/rrbrequestglobalunban [reason]
Any user may use; id will be recorded. Only brings to attention of authorized users. Does not change the ban list.

Authorized users only. View the unban requests.

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