Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Using RainRatBot for Moderation - /discreetadmin

Here's a feature I wanted to give a try. The idea is that a user of a group can PM @rainratbot and the message is sent to the admin or admin group that RainRatBot has on file. Like using @admin in the group, but discreet. This is a PM with @rainratbot

And this is how it looks when it gets to the admin or admin group on file:

As you can see the admin is told who the message comes from. It is discreet, not anonymous.

To use it, PM @rainratbot with the command 

/discreetadmin [group id] [message]

"group id" is the numerical group number for the group, which is assigned by Telegram. Yeah, it's not convenient to have to know it; I'm not stoked about this part. But if you're PMing, the bot needs some way to know which group it's in reference to. You can get the group id by forwarding a message from the group to a raw info bot, or possibly the admins will give the group id when they explain to their users how to use it.

Why wouldn't I just use @admin in the group?

  • Maybe you're muted or banned.
  • Maybe it's unrelated to the conversation and you don't want to interrupt.
  • Maybe worried about retaliation from another member.

Why wouldn't I just PM the admin?

  • Maybe Telegram has you blocked from starting PMs.
  • If there's multiple admins, you message all at once.
  • Don't have to research admin if they're hard to find in user list.

What if my concern is multiple messages or requires a photo, etc?

This feature will only forward one text message. It's ultimately up to the individual admins but the hope is that one of the admins on duty will PM you back about your concern.

How do I know I typed the group id correctly and it went through?

As seen in the first image, it will tell you if it was successfully sent. If not, it will say so:

For group admins: Anti-abuse

As seen in the text in the second image, each user can only send one message per admin group, so it's impossible to flood you that way. If they send a good report, you can type

/discreetallow [user id]

in your admin group to allow them to use the feature later. If it's not a good report, you don't have to do anything, and they won't be allowed to send another. RainRatBot does not keep any record of the content of the forwarded messages so I can't judge based on content.

If it's a flood from multiple accounts with each account sending one message, you can turn it off entirely. From your admin group, type

/changegroupsettings [group id] discreetadmin False

Group id is the numerical identifier of the public group, not the admin group.

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