The difference between the old Global Ban List and the new Community Ban List.
The big change is that the Community Ban List is now in a proper database rather than a text file.
- Changes (bans and unbans) take effect immediately. There is no need for /reloadglobalban any more.
- There is no need to download the whole text file to look up an entry. /sendglobalban is obsolete. Use "/queryglobalban [user id]" to look up a specific entry.
- When a banned user uses /rrbrequestglobalunban to appeal, the full content of the unban request will be sent to the admin group(s). There is no longer any reason for /sendglobalunbanrequest
- Each banned user can send 1 appeal through the bot. There is no longer any reason for /muteappeal
- Because changes now take effect immediately, for better oversight, /rrbglobalban and /rrbglobalunban can only be used in the RainRatBot Administrators group. This may be expanded later.
- It used to be that since the list was a text file, the same user id could be in the list more than once without any problem. Now that it's a database, each user id can only appear once. If you need to add more information about a ban, you can delete it, then add it back with more information.
- Though I haven't changed every reference, I am moving to calling this list the "Community Ban List" because I am looking at adding other lists from other organizations who track spam and abuse accounts on Telegram, and need a way to distinguish them.
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