Saturday, August 10, 2019

Using RainRatBot for Moderation - Summary

Since the list of moderation features was spread across multiple blog posts, I'm making a summary post of what features are available and how they are activated.

Just by adding @RainRatBot to your group:

  • Remove known-bad user ids (Requires "Ban users" permission)
  • Remove known-bad display names (like "DEX airdrop") (Requires "Ban users" permission)
  • Remove latest spammers that write "hi", then edit their message to contain a link. (Requires "Ban users" and "Delete messages" permission)
  • Identify fursuits in photos if confidence above 90% (Can be suppressed per group, PM me for assistance)

Requires configuration:

If you're expecting one of the ones that requires configuration to be active in your group, PM me for assistance.

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